Globalvia sponsors the Informative Breakfast with the General Director of Traffic

Today, Friday 11 October, Globalvia has sponsored the Informative Breakfast organised by Executive Forum under the title «.From Road Safety to Safe, Connected and Clean Mobility«.

The event, held at the Palace Hotel in Madrid, was attended by the Director General of TrafficPere Navarro, and the interventions of María Luisa Castro, Director of Motorways Europe and USA Concessionaire of Globalvia and Berta Barrero, Head of Transport of Indra.

After the words of welcome offered by César Chiva, Director of Executive Forum, María Luisa Castro was in charge of officially presenting the event.

During her speech, María Luisa highlighted Pere Navarro’s work and commitment to Road Safety and the reduction of traffic accidents in our country. She also pointed out that, as Director of Autopistas, she adopts as her own the objectives set by the DGT in terms of Road Safety, an aspect that is embedded in the culture of Globalvia and intimately linked to all facets of our activity.

From left to right: César Chiva, Director of Executive Forum, Berta Barrero, Head of Transport at Indra, Pere Navarro, Director General of Traffic, and María Luisa Castro, Director of Motorways Europe and USA Concessionaire of Globalvia.

Then it was the turn of the representative of Indraco-sponsor of the event. Berta Barrero highlighted Indra’s work in the development of products adapted to 21st century mobility and the need to link infrastructure and vehicles with technology to advance mobility.

After both interventions, Pere Navarro gave his lecture presenting the three main causes of accidents: alcohol, speed and distractions, the most significant of which is the cell phone.

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He also presented Spain’s current challenges in mobility, focusing on the safety of vehicles with less than four wheels and pedestrians, on the transport of goods due to the boom in the online ordering business, and on adapting to the culture of carpooling and the demands of young people in terms of sustainability.

He also highlighted Spain’ s excellence in Road Safety, Infrastructure and Automotive and the pending issue of uniting all this to change the concept of «traffic» to «mobility». He also unveiled the DGT’big bet: the connected car.

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